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Amazing coffee and cool packaging
Brian Verstio 2019-10-14 11:11
I have 2 coffee machines at home, one is a nespresso and the other is a breville espresso machine. I really like kenyan coffee so bought the Kenya AA pods and Kenya AA coffee beans. This coffee has a strong and flavourful taste.
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Francois Manon 2019-10-18 08:03
Tellement bon ce café.. j’ai reçu le colis assez rapidement et j’en suis déjà à mon 6ème espresso depuis hier.
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Joseph Fortin 2019-10-28 19:18
C'est un café fort qui a bon goût! Très bonne qualité!
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My favourite coffee so far
John Hamil 2020-05-18 22:19
This Kenya AA is off the charts! Good flavor, it's surprising how good it is.
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